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Alternative Help & Support Database

If we are not able to assist you, here are some other organisations that might offer useful leads worth your consideration

Actors Benevolent Fund logo

The Actors' Benevolent Fund

Offering help to professional actors and stage managers unable to work due to contracting COVID-19 or self-isolating due to illness.

Actors Equity USA logo

Actors' Equity Association (USA)

Represents more than 51,000 professional actors and stage managers across the USA. Also a member of the International Federation of Actors (FIA), an international organisation of performing arts unions.

Artists' General Benevolent Institution logo

Artists' General Benevolent Institution

Offering financial support to artists in need and their dependents living in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.

CARE logo text reads Defending Dignity, Fighting Poverty.


A global humanitarian organisation providing disaster relief to areas in crisis, while providing long-term solutions to poverty around the world.

Creative Industries Federation logo

Creative Industries Federation

Daily guidance and information for those working in creative industries.

EquityUK Benevolent Fund logo

Equity Benevolent Fund

Equity is putting significant funds into the Equity benevolent fund to help members during this crisis. It will soon be promoting a drive for donations to this fund. The fund is typically used for help for one-off payments to cover bills etc. [subscription solidarity drive]

EquityUK Financial Support entry with the EquityUK Benevolent Fund logo

Equity Financial Support

Find out about the different kinds of financial support available during the coronavirus outbreak and how to claim.

Arts Minds logo. Text reads Looking after the industry

Equity's mental health & well-being helpline

Equity has a support system for members dealing with mental health issues. Call  its 24/7 mental health & well-being UK helpline on 0800 917 6470. You can also get further support via the ArtsMinds website.

Industry Support collected resources - Theatre Support logo featuring Society of London Theatre and UK Theatre logos side by side.

Industry Support collected resources - Theatre Support

The leading theatrical charities have come together to centralise information about how and where you can access support. Please choose carefully where you apply as different organisations have specific remits they will ask you to meet. Theatre Support is run by Society of London Theatre (SOLT) & UK Theatre not-for-profit organisations representing the theatre industry.

FIA logo. Text reads International Federations of Actors, Federation Internationale Des Acteurs

The International Federation of Actors (FIA)

A global federation of performers’ trade unions, guilds and professional associations representing hundreds of thousands of performers in more than 60 countries around the world.

NHS logo


Essential coronavirus (COVID-19) news and advice from the UK's National Health Service.

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